Our Great Danes
Dunn Right Ranch (DRR) Great Danes each have their own website page. Go to each Great Danes page to find out more information on health testing, color testing, pedigree and show/performance accomplishments and more.
Our Danes here at the Ranch live with us in our home not in a kennel or an attached garage to our home. See them below to get to their page.
Our Current Show Great Danes
Our Retired and Past Great Danes
Our Champion/Titled Great Danes
Click the link below to see our current, retired and past Great Danes that we are honoring their show, performance accomplishments and we have photos/records of them to view. They are either owned, co-owned, bred-by us or sired-by one of our males either Tyreese or Gus.
Our Dog History
My involvement with showing dogs started when I was a youth. My family showed and bred Akitas and produced multiple AKC champions and a Best in Show winner. When I was 16 years old I put my first major win on a bitch we bred at an Akita specialty. As a youth, I have always admired the regal Apollo look of the Great Dane I would find myself at the AKC conformation ring learning the breed standard qualities such as appearance, movement and temperament of the Great Dane. I said to myself one day I will own one when the time is right. In Jan 2004, I purchased my first harlequin bred black Great Dane from old Meistersinger bloodlines.
Dog Shows
We breed our Great Danes for ourselves first to excel in the AKC Conformation Dog Shows, Performance and Companion Sport events. Our main focus is in showing in American Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club events, However we do at times show in the United Kennel Club and International All Breed Canine Association events also.
We have met the requirements from The American Kennel Club as an AKC Breeder of Merit participant for Great Danes and in the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T. Program which means Health, Education, Accountability, Responsibility and Tradition. I have also met the requirements and I’m a current member with the Great Dane Club of America. I follow the GDCA Breed Standard, Code of Ethics and Great Dane recommended health testing guidelines to check for hip dysplasia, autoimmune thyroid disease, Congenital heart disease by an auscultation and an echocardiogram exam which is performed by a canine cardiologist and an eye exam performed by an ophthalmologist.
We also check for elbow dysplasia in our OFA health testing elbow x rays are not part of the guidelines with the Great Dane Club of America. Our Great Danes have a yearly health examination done before any breeding will occur to check routine blood work, brucellosis and an urinalysis to make sure that the dog or bitch is healthy and is free from any infection going on at the time of breeding.
Members in
Good Standing
We also have gone through the application screening process/code of ethics to become members in good standing with Good Dog and Breeder Rescue Certification. Both of these canine clubs educate the public about proper, responsible breeding practices and also have excellent high quality learning resource pages on their websites for education to the public.
Health Testing
Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) is a health database sponsored by Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) that is for breeders to enter their dog health information to share to the public. A dog receives a CHIC Certification if it has been screened for every disease recommended by the parent club pertaining to their breed.
In Great Danes the screening tests that are recommended are: Hip Dysplasia is done by an OFA X ray or a Penn Hip evaluation, Autoimmune Thyroiditis done by blood work from an approved laboratory, Eye Examination by a Canine Ophthalmologist and a Cardiac Examination by a board certified cardiologist, the exam must include an Echocardiogram.
Color Testing
We DNA color test our Great Danes when needed also. This is also really important to ensure that we breed for what our goals are as far as what colors we want to produce per the breed standard. For Example is homozygous black will only produce that base coat color, a black that carries fawn will produce both colors. Harlequin and mantles that carry the piebald white spotting gene could end up producing a whole litter of mismarked puppies that do not meet the Great Dane color standard.
See the photo on the acceptable correct Great Dane colors that are per the Great Dane Standard in America and Canada.
Thank you to Kristianne Schenk of Cilka Great Danes from Canada for giving me permission to use this photo.
Great Dane Club of America
Great Dane Club of Western Washington
Inland Northwest Great Dane Club